Structure of APSA

APSA is structured in a hierarchy of executives, general council, general officers, and auxiliary groups.

APSA Meetings

APSA meetings are conducted based on the principles highlighted in Robert’s Rules of Orders.

APSA gathers for regular meetings, namely:

  • Executive council
  • General council
  • Faculty-APSA coordinated meetings
For a full list of meetings APSA participates in, consult the constitution.

Executive Council

Executive council meeting is held regularly for executive positions (Vice President, President) to discuss integral matters that concerns to core operation of APSA functionally.

General Council

General council meeting is held regularly for executives and general officers to discuss ongoing business that affects all of APSA. This meeting is also open for any APSA member to attend and observe. Meeting time can also be requested upon request to the VP Administrator.

All meeting minutes from execute and general council can be found in APSA reports.