Academic Resources

APSA has worked hard to compile a list of handy academic resources that can be super useful for pharmacy students at the University of Alberta to use. These resources can help save time and be more productive. The resources seek to help provide helpful wisdom and guidance for students as they progress through their pharmacy school journey.

Hopefully these resources can prevent a lot of unnecessary running around, or cut down some time spent huddled up in a PBL room away from sunlight, and instead provide time to go do some other things 🙂

Academic Resources and Medication Info Links

Here is access to a helpful resources library and compilation. Useful guides and reference material throughout the pharmacy years are housed here.
Click on this link here to access the library.
Please note: a password is prompted upon access as resources are protected from unauthorized access; this password is provided to you by your respective class representative. Please contact them if you require assistance.
Please read the README document within the library if first-time use.
This resource library is reserved for distribution among pharmacy students and APSA members within the University of Alberta.

MedInfo One Stop Shop is a compilation of useful drug resources and links, compiled by Frank Huang (Class of 2019). The page offers quick access to many of these resources on-the-go and at your convenience.
Click on this link here or the image above to access the page.
These are packages of study notes that are compiled by students over the years in pharmacy school. They are good resources if you need some quick summaries to read over. Please note compiling authors try their best to summarize content and provide accurate information, but there may be undiscovered discrepancies due to factual errors, changes over time etc. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Class of 2019 Compiled Resources
Below are links to notes compiled on the pharmily 2019 website - the Class of 2019's own class website. These notes are freely shared with APSA and pharmacy students at the U of A for use! Hope these notes can help you study! Please note, the course material here is compiled over the 2015-2019 school years under the BSc. curriculum. Laws, therapeutics evolve over time and new changes may not be readily reflected in these notes. Not all material is summarized and notes are limited to what is uploaded and available.
  1. First Year Notes
  2. Second Year Notes
  3. Third Year and PBS Notes

"Pharmipramine Study Guides"
Pharmipramine Study Guides are a set of notes and guides started and maintained by Amanda Leong from the Class of 2017.
Click here to access them.
Please note a working login with UAlberta email and password is required for access.

"Study Buffalo"
Study Buffalo is a website that has relevant therapeutic information, study guides, practice tools and more useful for pharmacy students. It was started by a current institutional preceptor when he was doing his pharmacy residency.
Click here to access the site.
Don't want to keep going to the UAlberta library site to find access? Go here instead!
Click on this link here to access the library guide.