Past Award Winners


Aishat Ibrahim
Talia Santarossa


Makboolee Fyith (Class of 2023)

This individual’s leadership is rooted in compassion and organization. This individual is actively engaged with pharmacy students across Canada and they make a valiant effort to support their peers in achieving their goals. They’re ability to lead large scale multi-team projects and their commitment to the profession has proven they’re truly deserving of this award.

Diane Pham (Class of 2023)

This individual has demonstrated leadership through numerous channels, they founded a club that empowers female-identifying individuals to engage in fitness and sports. They have promoted equity, diversity, and inclusivity through their current role on APSA council as SAF-Pharm director.


Ayush Chadha (Class of 2022)

With a challenging year we have had, this student refocused and prioritized the well-being of committee members by encouraging the messaging that success is not solely determined by participation in the events that members organize. A true team player, who has looked out for burnout among their team members and within their role, and has actively tried to protect against it. They have displayed flexibility and adjustment as the year progressed.

Ethan Swanson (Class of 2021)

This student inspires peers to improve their physical and mental health through their social media outlets. We see them creating and sharing content related to fitness support and inspiration, video gaming and sharing jokes with peers, and by creating and sharing their many musical talents. Additionally, we’ve seen this student continuously participate in various APSA and CAPSI events and initiatives throughout their undergraduate pharmacy career.


Darius Ramrattan
Xue Yan Gao


Randy So
Mostafa Moharram


Ayush Chadha (Class of 2022)

This individual has partaken in various research initiatives throughout their years in this program. They have investigated professional identity development in pharmacy students and have worked with established clinicians to research anticoagulation management in specialized populations. They are the lead author on two different studies, with further publications in the works. This individual has continuously shown their passion for our profession in everything that they do.

Alison Cheung (Class of 2024)

This individual’s passion for research has been demonstrated far before they entered this program. They have participated in various research projects this past summer, which focused on hospital pharmacy practice. They helped lead and are the co-author of two survey studies regarding clinical pharmacy services and medication reconciliation in emergency departments. Their passion towards furthering the profession of pharmacy has been evident through their research efforts.


Jonathan Chan (Class of 2024) 

This student has been heavily involved in various research projects, with involvement spanning from their time in their undergraduate studies and continuing as they began their first year of pharmacy. Additionally, we see this student continue their involvement through their role on the SAF-Pharm Committee and dedicated attendance to Pharmacy Undergraduate Journal Club presentations. Passion is easy to see, and we cannot wait to see what this student will accomplish in the coming years.

Queeny Wu (Class of 2022)

This student demonstrates clear passion through their choice in project, currently they are working to develop a project to enable change -a feat inspiring in of itself. There is a true connection between the research they choose to pursue and their personal values, and with a connection like that, very little can stand in the way of what this student will accomplish in the years ahead of them.


Zachary Yopek-Stabel


Camala Soliman


Makboolee Fyith (Class of 2023)

This individual has actively advocated for the profession of pharmacy on both a local and national level. They have partaken in communications with the government to influence the direction of our profession. Throughout their years in this program and their experiences out in rotations, they have demonstrated that they are a true advocate for not only this profession, but also their patients.

Raymond Otieno (Class of 2024)

This individual is an advocate for change against the disproportionate impacts of healthcare on marginalized groups. Their passion for uplifting their community has been demonstrated in their contribution to events, such as a webinar that tackled the impacts of COVID-19 on the black community. Additionally, they’ve advocated for marginalized students in academia. I am excited to see what this individual will do throughout their term as the incoming president of BPSA.


Ayush Chadha (Class of 2022)

This student has been an active member of CAPSI, holding both the Junior and Senior position, and played a role in organizing Pharmacy Appreciation Month during their terms. They also continued a global conversation by co-launching APSA’s Race Against Racism Committee this year. We have seen them uphold the values of CAPSI continuously, notably this year, they advocated for pharmacy students in Ontario regarding the rescheduling of their PEBC exams. 

Oluwatobiloba Obatusin (Class of 2022)

This student is (2020-21) a member of the faculty’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee. They truly demonstrated advocacy this year by establishing the Black Pharmacy Students’ Association (BPSA) and leading BPSA this year as their first President. This student recognized the underrepresentation we see in pharmacy, and recruited other Black pharmacy students to help lead BPSA and they hosted a webinar for Black students interested in pharmacy this academic year. BPSA hopes to increase representation and advocate for expert-led anti-racism training for students, faculty, and preceptors.


Talia Santarossa


Alison Cheung
Sarah Ho


Ivy Nhan (Class of 2023)

The recipient of this award has been proactive in engaging students within and beyond the faculty and enhanced public awareness through their role as community education director. Their enthusiasm and dedication to advancing community education is displayed through a variety of initiatives such as hosting Pharmacy mini topics and creating a community education committee. Throughout their term they have inspired many students to be involved in community education and displayed the value of pharmacy as a profession.

Jonathan Chan (Class of 2024)

The recipient of this award has been involved in promoting the profession of pharmacy through their various APSA and Faculty committee roles. They have engaged in the continual development of our website, been a photographer for numerous events, and provided education to elementary students. Beyond our local pharmacy community, this individual has collaborated with pharmacy students in Japan to compare how pharmacists’ roles evolved during the pandemic here in Canada vs. Japan.


Anthony Kapelke (Class of 2022)

This student promotes the profession of pharmacy and fellow students through their collaborative work with RxA, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and the Students’ Union. Additionally, this student has been supportive on various different committees, including but not limited to the Pharmacy Appreciation Month Committee, Rx Factor Committee, and the Race Against Racism Committee. We know this student to consistently present themselves as a role model to all those they cross paths with, with terms like advate, mentor, and supporter being commonly used. It’s safe to say that with such dedication to the profession among us, we are bound to see this student continue to lead us after our academic careers.

Nicole Funk (Class of 2022)

This student demonstrated deciatication by being adaptable over this past year. They were protective and active, by moving an initiative built on in-person and high student and eternal engagement into a whole new experience. Not only did we see this student be successful in doing so, but they managed to reinvent the whole experience of providing Community Education at different schools. Additionally, this student has also been involved with different faculty functions, including the White Coat Ceremony. During a year with so much change, staying dedicated has been challenging, yet this student has managed to do a fantastic job this year.


Sarah Ho


Amandeep Garcha (Class of 2023)

This individual has gone above and beyond in their role as VP academic to support their colleagues and promote unity among various cohorts. Their passion and dedication to the profession of pharmacy is evident in their leadership roles in various committees. Their contributions to solving various problems faced in the faculty has had a positive impact in efficiency and progress of this profession that not only impacts the current student body but future students to come.


Navjot Singh (Class of 2022)

This student has consistently advocated for their peers and helped the faculty succeed in their efforts in doing the same. Throughout their undergraduate pharmacy career, we have seen this student participate through their involvement on faculty’s curriculum development committee, faculty run student focus groups, being a class representative for their cohort, and now an APSA executive councillor. This student has wholeheartedly dedicated themselves to being vocal, resourceful, and accessible in every role they have taken up. This past year, we saw this student work with both the faculty and ACP to help sort out the licensing exam for the Class of 2020 amidst the pandemic, they worked to revamp APSA’s Mentorship Program, and work to introduce the Sexual Violence Awareness Modules. They are deeply passionate about APSA’s and faculty’s success. 


Gauhar Ali
Alyssa Chan


Tamara Gligoric
Aishat Ibrahim


Haley Baxter-Kwan (Class of 2024)

This individual is very passionate about underserved communities and their leadership skills peak in these areas. They have a strong involvement in pharmacy clubs while also demonstrating commitment to those in their Indigenous community through fundraising initiatives.

Alison Cheung (Class of 2024)

This individual has shown exceptional commitment to serving their community through creating a program that allows seniors to access laptops. Their meaningful efforts during the pandemic for vulnerable populations to stay connected, as well as their involvement in APSA, reflects their passion and commitment to amplify voices of those in the community




Justine Ramsundar (Class of 2024)

This individual has translated their creativity to promote unity among individuals with a common interest for both music and pharmacy. They have made a strong impression in the faculty through their participation in Rx factor and their talent has made a positive impact on the student body.

Sydney Stasienko (Class of 2023)

This individual has made a significant impact during the pandemic through their talents as a videographer and editor for RxFactor. Their time and dedication has allowed others to look forward to events such as Rxfactor and APSA wellness activities while creating lifelong memories that students can look back on.


John Choi (Class of 2023)

This student created an online platform to help reconnect students during the pandemic. This student worked with their peers to create over 30 episodes of their podcast, interviewing different pharmacists, faculty members, and students. Together they also dedicated episodes highlighting clinical pearls of minor ailments. 

Angel Nong (Class of 2023)

This student has been involved with APSA from their first year, taking over APSA instagram account to better engage students. This past year, they worked to revamp the APSA website, making it user friendly and aesthetically pleasing. This student used their graphic design and media talents to help APSA run its very first virtual Rx Factor.


Alyssa Chan


Hadeel Mohamed


Daniel Martino (Class of 2023)

This individual has demonstrated outstanding volunteer work and citizenship both within and outside the faculty. They lead non-profit initiatives to support inner-city communities. This individual’s care for their peers has been evident through their efforts to increase the financial literacy of pharmacy students. They put in numerous hours to organize financial literacy workshops to allow students to be better equipped to manage their current debts and understand their financial landscape after graduation.


Andrea Tack (Class of 2022)

This student has been actively involved both within the faculty and in the greater community. Within the faculty, this student has been a member of the Professionalism Committee, where they have been assisting with Career Series. They are also known for their work as an active PQ+2 magazine writer and as a student researcher working with faculty members. Within the greater community, this student has taken up roles as an acting mentor, they are a lead in providing arts/learning opportunities, and participate in outreach initiatives. We are in awe of the great work this student does within all our communities. 


Bojana Nikic


Garrett Garlock


Anthony Kapelke (Class of 2022)

Anthony’s commitment, enthusiasm, leadership and professionalism was demonstrated throughout his term as APSA president last year. The challenges of online schooling did not hold Anthony back from fulfilling this role with elegance and poise. He has been a true inspiration to his peers and continues to offer his wisdom and insight to those who seek it. Thank you for all that you’ve done for the progression of APSA and our profession in your term.


Scott Dyer (Class of 2021)

Throughout their term, this student has been described as a hard working, intelligent, and dedicated individual who unquestionably cared about the student body, and we thank you for your work. Most notably, last March when we transitioned to online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this student handled the situation with incredible poise and leadership that left an inspiring mark on incoming student leaders. We saw this student open up communication lines at a time of uncertainty and helped bring forth student concerns to help the faculty support students in ways students needed most. 


Cassandra Luong


Mankirat Sarai


Marzena Kula (Class of 2023)

The recipient of this award has been an essential member of our APSA council. They have kept our team organized and have been eager to lend a hand in multiple roles. They have focused on ensuring transparency between APSA council and the student body.


Navjot Singh (Class of 2022)

This student is described as being hard working, dedicated, diligent, detailed, supportive, caring, and a steller fellow student. This student brought two key things into their role as VP Academic. First, they revamped APSA’s Mentorship Program at a time APSA needed it most with uncertainty among us and the school moving to an entirely online platform. This helped students feel supported, develop friendships, and helped unify the student body in a virtual environment. Second, they worked to create APSA’s own Sexual Violence Resource Document, ensuring students have a place to go for further information and seek support. 


Kinza Khan
Naomi Lee


Cassandra Luong
Hadeel Mohamed


Sydney Stasienko (Class of 2023)

This individual showcases reliability and selflessness that goes beyond the role as an APSA photographer. They have volunteered time in helping to set and clean up for events and more impressively have gone above and beyond in facilitating further education of their peers by collaborating with Bayer pharmaceuticals.

Tamara Gligoric (Class of 2024)

The recipient of this award has displayed impressive efforts to bridge gaps and create relationships between the overall student body and the LGBTQ2S+ community. Their hand in promoting equity and diversity within their committee roles has allowed for the distribution of pronoun pins which has promoted inclusivity within the profession of pharmacy


Keeley Watt (Class of 2022)

This student has helped with various initiatives, both APSA and faculty related, throughout their pharmacy undergraduate career. They helped with the Race Against Racism shirt distribution in September 2020 and have been a critical member in Pharmacy Women in Sports Club launch. We consistently see this student participate in APSA events, most notably known for their involvement in intramurals. When we think of this student, three words come to mind: Responsibility, Reliability, and Service.

Kalbie Hokanson (Class of 2022)

This student demonstrates a motivation and willingness to help, especially when it comes to unassigned roles and duties. They can be found staying after Lunch and Learns to help clean up. Additionally, when it comes to large events, such as Rx Factor and Blue and Gold, they are always seen providing a lending hand to their peers. Three words that ring true for this student are: Service, Selflessness, and Loyalty. 


Ethan Chen


Allison Wan


Alyssa Chan (Class of 2025)

This individual has taken the initiative to proactively promote engagement within their cohort amidst a pandemic. They have participated in various mint cup activities and expressed gratitude for the impact these activities have had on their mental health. Their early dedication to the profession of pharmacy and encouragement of their peers has made a positive impact in their cohort


Raymond Otieno (Class of 2024)

This student demonstrates dedication to the profession early in their academic career. They played an instrumental role in helping with this year’s Pharmacy Awareness Month promotional video. Additionally, they played a role in the launch of the Black Pharmacy Students’ Association (BPSA) by seeking out opportunities to gain knowledge and skills to help BPSA be successful by enrolling in additional courses on the side. They show exceptional contributions when it comes to the profession of pharmacy, and it seems to come with ease for this student with this level of passion and dedication seen in their first year.


Tyler Ruel (Class of 2024)

This student has been a dedicated member of Team Pink, earning them over 60 points as an individual. They participated in a number of different events, including Music Bingo, Trivia, the Holiday Hangout, IPSF initiatives, the Gingerbread Carving Contest, and many more! 


Joshua Litke


Vincent Chiang


David Robertson (Class of 2025) 

This individual has been a constant source of positivity, is unafraid to participate in class even if they’re the only one to speak, and is always looking for ways to boost class morale and spirit. Whether that means bolstering Dr. Sanghera’s candy bar with the tastiest lollipops ever, or trying to make class buttons a reality. Their incredible generosity with their own study resources has elevated the Class of 2023.


Mostafa Moharram (Class of 2024)

This student is described as being hilarious and encouraging. With energy so contagious, they’ve certainly made an impression within their cohort, even with the unique year 2020/21 has been!


Jin Wen He


Jesse Schreiber


Jasmine Ly (Class of 2024)

This individual has never missed a day in class whether it was online via zoom or in person. They always bring a very positive energy to the class and consistently engage with our professors during class. This individual is extremely supportive and encouraging. The whole class of 2024, appreciates what this individual had done for their cohort.


Amandeep Garcha (Class of 2023)

The student has been engaged in both APSA and class events, especially this year! This student certainly promotes unity and spirit within their cohort, by offering to share notes and create practice questions. Helping out their fellow classmates throughout the year. 


Cassandra Luong


Julia Tran


David Becker (Class of 2023)

This year’s recipient has been a clear leader among the Class of 2023 since we all arrived in this program 3 years ago. They always bring a positive energy and an approachable demeanor to both academic group work and informal social gatherings. For the past 2 years they have gone above and beyond to help plan social events, including the Pharm-Dent Hockey Tournament.


Melody Suon (Class of 2022)

This student not only participates in APSA events, but have in fact paved the way for coming years by going above and beyond in their involvement -leaving behind a positive spirit, not at all deterred by what this year had to offer. They promote spirit within their class, by using their humour and leaving encouraging comments when their cohort needs them most.  


Alyna Datoo


Alina Bejoy


Jagmanpreet Dang (Class of 2022)

Throughout the past four years, this individual has consistently promoted unity and spirit within their cohort. They have taken it upon themselves to keep their class drive organized, share resources openly and extend this same level of dedication across other years by establishing the APSA Pharmacotherapy Club.


Fred Min (Class of 2021)

This student has certainly fostered a sense of community and developed a spirit among all years, through their many talents. Additionally, they manage to do the same within their cohort, being referred to as “the glue” -a compliment so in line with what the award stands for.


Amber Ruben


Essi Salokangas


Dr. Dylan Moulton

The recipient of this award has fostered an engaging learning environment that allowed students to feel safe while welcoming questions and discussion. Their expertise, along with their experience working with marginalized populations, fostered high-quality education. Their passion for our profession has been an inspiration for our budding healthcare professionals.


Dr. Gezina Baehr

This recipient shared their passion for providing Trauma Informed Care, sparking an interest among students to strive to provide the same for their future patients. They outlined the basics of Trauma Informed Care (TIC) and took time to create and share examples on how to integrate TIC into everyday practice settings. 


Dr. Dylan Moulton


Anjela dela Cruz


Dr. Ken Cor

The recipient of this award has continuously fostered safe and supportive environments for students to engage in transparent feedback. They have been a voice of reason for the students and have demonstrated compassion for the challenges that both students and faculty have overcome. This recipient inspires students to strive for success


Baily Roska


Cassandra Luong
Litany Bloomfield