Finished 0Co-Chair VP Social; Sydney Facette - Photo

VP Social Co-Chair: Sydney Facette

Hi Everyone,

My name is Sydney (she/her), and I am in my third year of Pharmacy as part of the Class of 2025. I am honoured to serve as your Co-Chair Vice President Social for the 2023/2024 school year!

I lived in Grande Cache, AB before moving to Sherwood Park at 5 years old. I completed my Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Sciences at the University of Alberta in 2021 before embarking on my Pharmacy journey. In my downtime, I enjoy reading, walking my dog, hiking, and I have recently started to learn photography!

As Co-Chair VP Social, I plan to uphold the legacy of key social events and provide pharmacy students with the opportunity to create lasting memories. To achieve this, I intend to organize a variety of social events that nurture an environment of inclusivity and enjoyment for all, ranging from trivia nights to Blue & Gold! Through a mixture of both new and traditional events,

I hope to kindle connections amongst pharmacy students, foster friendships, and ultimately provide an overall great experience. I hope to see you all attend at least one of our social events this year! Please don’t hesitate to message me on Facebook or email me at if you have any questions or event suggestions.

I am excited to connect with everyone in the upcoming year, and if you happen to see me at school or an event, come say hello!

Cheers, Sydney