VP External Image - Jin He

VP External: Jin He

Hi everyone!

My name is Jin He (she/her) from the Class of 2026. I’m excited to be your VP External this year! My role within APSA includes advocating for your priorities with parties outside of our faculty, chairing our Movember fundraiser committee, and planning events including RxFactor, Unveil-o-ween, and the annual Pharmacy vs. Dentistry charity hockey game! I hope to see everyone there supporting these causes!

Prior to entering pharmacy school, I did two years of a BSc at the University of Alberta with a major in chemistry. I was also the 2021–22 Production Editor at The Gateway, the U of A’s student-run media outlet. As such, I’m a passionate advocate for using an em-dash!

You can usually find me working on a new crochet project, at local markets, or checking out new cafes and restaurants! If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach me at my email or stop me for a chat in the hallways!

Email: jinwen@ualberta.ca