Second Year Social Representative

2nd Year Social Representative: Zainab Alnakkas

Hello everyone!

My name is Zainab and I am excited to serve as your 2nd year social representative for the class of 2026!

A little bit about me, I was born and raised in the Middle East and I moved to Edmonton 6 years ago. Before starting my pharmacy journey, I completed three years of Nutrition and Food Science. In my spare time, I like to catch up with my friends over a cup of coffee, spend time with my cat, and go on little adventures around AB!

My role as a 2nd year social representative focuses on bringing our class together through events and activities. As professional students, we often neglect ourselves and our mental health, and I believe this role will allow me to work toward the betterment of our student experience. My focus will be on planning events that are fun, affordable, and unique.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.