Research Councilor: Vincent Chiang


I’m Vincent (he/him) and I am your APSA Research Councillor. This is a new position for APSA that intends to support and enhance research, evidence based care, as well as other scholarly activities in the pharmacy program.  Especially the research that your fellow PharmD students and faculty members are participating in, so stay tuned for more developments in this APSA portfolio in the future. 

The main role that I will be fulfilling is hosting the APSA Undergraduate Pharmacy Journal Club. Journal Club provides regular sessions for students to flex their critical appraisal skills and engage in informal discussions regarding the many types of research and scholarship that integrate into pharmacy practice and pharmaceutical sciences. Stay tuned for opportunities to present and prizes for doing so!

A little bit about myself, I was born and raised in Calgary and am always eager to flee the northern wastes of Edmonton to the comforting chinook winds of Calgary. I completed a Bachelor of Health Sciences and a Master’s of Science at UCalgary prior to focusing more clinically through being accepted in the PharmD program at UAlberta. (Shoutout to all the mature students in the program!) I spend my spare time sleeping and writing practice clinical cases that are way too hard for my classmates. 

Questions are always welcome and appreciated.