Interprofessional Director


Interprofessional Director: Yeganeh Molazem

Hi everyone!

My name is Yeganeh and I am a second year pharmacy student from the Class of 2026. I am very excited to be your Interprofessional Director for the 2023-2024 year!

As Interprofessional Director, my primary focus is to represent both APSA’s interests to other faculties and the interest of other health science students to APSA. I act as a liaison between APSA and Health Science Students’ Association (HSSA). I aim to create interdisciplinary opportunities where pharmacy students can collaborate and network with other healthcare professional students socially and educationally.

Outside of pharmacy school, I love to go on hikes, spend time with family and friends, and explore great food places.

Please feel free to contact me via email if you have any suggestions for fun collaborative events or stop me in the hallways to chat!

I can’t wait to meet you all & make amazing memories! 🙂

Best, Yeganeh Molazem (she/her)