VP Academic - Talia Santarossa

VP Academic: Talia Santarossa

Hi everyone!

My name is Talia, and I’m thrilled to be serving as VP Academic this year. I was born and raised in Calgary (Go Flames!), and I completed my Honours Pharmacology degree here at the U of A, which is what got me interested in pharmacy and how to put all of my pharmacology knowledge to use and help improve the lives of patients. Outside of school, you can usually find me refereeing on the volleyball court, tending to my houseplants, taking in a hot yoga class, or curled up on the couch watching re-runs of Corner Gas or Brooklyn 99. 

As VP Academic, my goal is to support students in the development of their professional identities and in all matters related to professionalism, and to represent the academic needs of students to the Faculty. I look forward to what APSA will achieve this year and to see how I can best promote student success and professional development. 

