
Recruitment Director: Mohamed Alsawari

Hello everyone!

My name is Mohamed Alsawari from the class of 2025, and am excited to be the acting Recruitment director for the academic year of 2023-2024. My job focuses on providing pharmacy students and graduating pharmacists with as many career opportunities as possible. Focusing on Independent Night and the Career Fair which bring employers on campus to help students and pharmacists with networking and expanding prospects. Furthermore, I am responsible for listings on the Job Postings page on the APSA website!

I am originally from Libya and still exploring Edmonton since moving here 2 years ago. Before pharmacy school I spent three years in the University of Toronto working on my Bachelors of Science in Pharmacology. In my free time I like to try new food, play the guitar, and relax with my cat.

I am more than happy to take questions or job postings on Facebook or at

Looking forward to meeting you all.