VP Student Services

VP Student Services - Image - Cassandra Luong

VP Student Services: Cassandra Luong

Hello there!

My name is Cassandra Luong (she/her), I’m a 3rd year pharmacy student, and I am looking forward to being your VP Student Services for the year! I graduated from University of Alberta with a Bachelors in Education back in 2020. I like experiencing new things and enjoy doing various activities. Throughout the summer I’ve been working on my hobbies such as juggling, roller skating, playing tennis and golf, as well as going camping! In the winter time I love to go ice skating and snowboarding. When I’m not studying, you can find me at almost every pharmacy event, or on our pharmacy intramural teams playing volleyball, dodgeball, and hockey.

In 2nd year I was an APSA Photographer and the 2nd Year Social Rep, however, being part of the Space and Wellness Committee is what brought me to my role today. I really enjoyed seeing the positive impact the committee had on students and I want to continue that in a bigger role. I am excited to see how I can improve pharmacy students’ overall well-being in the upcoming school year!

As VP Student Services, I overlook the upkeep of our pharmacy spaces such as the APSA lounge and PBL rooms and provide mental health resources. I am also in charge of the locker and textbook sales, APSA Mentorship Program, and APSA Membership Cards. My biggest role as VP Student Services is chairing the Space and Wellness Committee where we host initiatives to improve the health and well-being of our students.

I enjoy connecting with fellow pharmacy students so don’t be a stranger if you see me passing by!